• Protecting my peace quotes

    Protecting My Peace: 20 Quotes to Help You Set Healthy Boundaries

    In today’s fast-paced and often chaotic world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and forget to prioritize our most valuable asset: our peace. Our peace is what keeps us grounded, centered, and sane. It’s what allows us to navigate life’s challenges with grace and poise. This is why you must be bold to say I’m “protecting my peace” to anyone or anything that comes off as negative vibes or draining. Without peace, we’re left feeling drained, stressed, and anxious. That’s why it’s so important to protect our peace at all costs. By prioritizing our peace, we’re not being selfish, we’re being essential. We’re ensuring that…

  • Inspiration

    Celebrating women’s day! World’s top women in arts and technology!

    women are mothers, caretakers, game changers, industry leaders and experts in so many different fields. How they manage to juggle all of these responsibilities, switch roles from “mom” to “boss-lady” effortlessly and still slay, beats the human mind. Some say women have super powers which explains why and how they are able to create a balance between  the different aspects of family life and work. Who knows!!   It is no longer news that women are setting the pace in the world of fashion, media, arts and technology. In the spirit of women’s day we want to shine the spot light and celebrate some women who inspire us in the…

  • Inspiration

    10 Best Ways to Get Motivated to Write a Paper

    If you are interested in writing papers the way the esteemed authors do it, you should always remember about the potential possibility of the writer’s block. It can happen to anyone, and it really can make your perfect plan fail. If you don’t feel the motivation to write your paper, don’t hurry to blame yourself, just start trying different options to overcome this state of mind. #1: Write as you think After you have done the preparatory work on the article and gathered a lot of facts, you need to forget about it. Imagine that you are a judge and have a hammer in your hands. You soared over history,…

  • Inspiration,  Monday motivation

    Our Story – How We Started A Successful Online Store Selling Wedding Linens  

    Monday motivationhe year was 2007 and my wife and I were victims of a dreaded condition known as complacency. If you’ve never heard of this terrible condition before, it’s a disease that leads to spending 10 hours a day at a job that you don’t particularly like. The year was 2007 and my wife and I were victims of a dreaded condition known as complacency. If you’ve never heard of this terrible condition before, it’s a disease that leads to spending 10 hours a day at a job that you don’t particularly like. It’s a debilitating condition that causes you to trudge through each day doing the daily grind as life quickly passes you…

  • Inspiration

    3 unusual life lessons I have learned so far

      Monday motivation Hey lovelies it’s been a while since we posted anything in this section! So sorry about that, Life has been happening! If you have missed previous episodes of Monday motivation click here to read and get inspired to live your best life. 3 unusual life lessons I have learned so far! Life is wonderful, until it’s not , When it’s not we must seek inspiration. In the time I have spent on earth I can say I have learned quite a few invaluable life lessons and made some wonderful memories. I have also gained a fair amount of experience and come to learn that while life is transient…

  • Inspiration

    5 Ways To Donate Effectively

    Helping somebody is not as easy as it looks. We rarely give money away as much as we make it and charitable giving has not reached its full potential yet. Individuals are gaining an understanding on how to make an impact and have started making intelligent decisions with regard to charity. Here are a few ways you can donate effectively for a cause you care about.   Measure the impact Start by measuring the impact of your contribution because there are a number of organizations which act as bridges between the donors and beneficiaries. There are genuine organizations like MERS Goodwill which work for those in need and they try…

  • Inspiration

    Before you say i quit – 7 factors to consider when you feel like giving up

    Monday motivation How many times have you been Faced with the overwhelming temptation to just “GIVE UP” and throw in the towel, I’m sure there are those moments when you ask yourself, what’s the point anyway? this thing isn’t even working out, I am just not good enough. when you feel like giving up or the ugly thought of throwing in the towel rears its head, at such times, remind yourself of the following. 1. THE BEGINNING IS ALWAYS THE HARDEST there are over 7 billion people on earth and a large number of them have this same testimony “the beginning is always the hardest”. That alone should steer your spirit…