Travel /lifestyle

5 best volunteer opportunities to take advantage of in Latin America

Bored with your life? Why not volunteer to a worthwhile cause? Volunteering simply involves, spending your time to help people in need.

There are so many benefits to helping others. Studies have shown that providing help to people in need reduces stress, combats depression and improves a persons overall well-being.

Giving your time and effort to worthwhile causes brings a sense of purpose and fufillment and while you’re at it, you also get to experience a whole bunch of other great stuff, some of which includes finding Friends, and getting to explore various cultures and traditions.

Sounds exciting doesn’t it? Well, the good news is,
There are so many Volunteering opportunities available in the world today and These opportunities provide a great way to give back and do good.

One of the best places to volunteer right now, is Latin America.There are so many volunteer programs available in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Peru and there are lots of projects you can sign up for, including protecting sea turtles and coaching students. A lot of people who are willing to volunteer tend to stall at the idea of volunteering abroad because of the challenges involved in planning a trip abroad and the uncertainty of how to find real opportunities, thanks to Maximo Nivel’s volunteer programs, this has been made really easy. Maximo Nivel volunteer programs makes the whole process of living and working in Latin America very easy, you get the opportunity
to live and work in Latin America, while giving back to the global community.

volunteer abroad programs take place in Antigua, Guatemala; Cusco, Peru; Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica; and San Jose, There are also off-site programs on the Pacific and Caribbean coasts of Costa Rica and Guatemala, and in the Amazon Jungle and Sacred Valley of Peru in addition Maximo Nivel program fees are affordable and transparent.

Some of the ways you can volunteer in South America includes

Working with ChildrenVolunteer opportunitiesConfused about what volunteer program to settle for? Why not opt for childcare. taking care of underprivileged kids is a great way to impact the world. Children need to be, nutured, loved and cared for, this is so enssential for their development and general well-being, unfortunately so many underprivileged kids do not get to experience the support and attention they need And deserve, but you can change all of that by volunteering to care for these kids, There are so many childcare volunteer opportunities available in South America, and these projects take place in orphanages, daycare facilities and community centers.

Volunteer to Teach English Many people in developing countries desire to learn how to speak English, basically because it improves their career chances and opens up more opportunities to work and interact with the world. So, why not make a difference by teaching English language to locals. These teaching projects take place in schools, Churches and community centers and involves people of all ages.

Volunteer in Medical & HealthcareA lot of people in developing countries still do not have access to proper Medical and healthcare services. Maximo Nivel programs provide volunteers the opportunity to work alongside doctors, nurses, physical therapists, and other healthcare professionals. volunteer placements take place in hospitals, clinics, assisted living facilities, and HIV centers.

Volunteer in ConstructionDo you have a passion for construction, then try volunteering to work on building or repairing schools, community centers, and homes for children.

Volunteer to Care for AnimalsThere are volunteer opportunities at animal shelters too, and you can volunteer there. Some of the work at The shelters includes providing medical treatment and daily care to abandoned animals. As a Volunteer you also get to bathe, brush and exercise the animals, as well as provide basic training, clean cages, and give love and attention.

You can find out more about Maximo Nivel volunteer abroad opportunities in Latin America by clicking here.

Hy I'm iffy!! A chronic worshiper with a DIY spirit! After a near death experience I started my journey to living a more purposeful life.


  • Natalia

    Visiting Latin America has always been my dream. I’ve never been thinking of visiting this part of the world as a volounteer. Thank you for this useful information. 🙂

  • Noelle Lynne

    I have actually really really been wanting to volunteer in Latin America! The caring for animals would be so fulfilling to me, I am going to finally look into it after reading this (thank you for the motivation)!

  • Waren Jean

    I am a nurse and I always wanted to go on international medical missions. My passion is in line with helping the sick so this is helping information on what organization to join.

  • Rosey

    I thought of teaching English online over the summer but we took such a long vacay (road trip) that I just didn’t really have time. Summer’s almost over and I”ll be teaching soon so it won’t happen. I know someone who went to Dubai to teach English.

  • ShaBree

    These are such great opportunities for someone who’s still trying to find the self. I love that you shared a variety of opportunities to fit all kinds of personalities. Can’t go wrong with giving back to those in need.

  • Kita

    This is something I always wonder about when I see people traveling to different parts of the world. I think it is important for tourist to immerse themselves in the culture and volunteering brings that to another level. Local folks deserve the love.

  • Mimi Green

    This is a good variety of options. Growing up we volunteered all the time, it is a great way to stay humble. I would love to work with the kids, that is my element.

  • Eva

    So many places to see and people to help along the way! I have to investigate where my kids have a heart to travel and who they want to help.

  • Lia World Traveler

    I love this and would add volunteering at females serving institutions that cater to victims of domestic violence, victims of sex-trafficking, etc. There is a lot of work to be done in the females empowerment/opportunity space as well.

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