• My Dream wedding

    Empowering Words for Women All Over the World.  

    Happy women’s day to all the women from around the world. Women are doing massive things, breaking new grounds, challenging the status quo, and claiming new frontiers in this age and time, and I feel so blessed to belong to the fold.   Whether you’re a mother, a wife, a daughter, or a sister, you’re a woman, and I’m super proud of you. Whether you’re employed, self-employed, or building your empire from the scratch, you’re winning and I hope you never give up. I have so many empowering words for women all over the world and I can’t wait to start sharing them with you.     50 Empowering Words…

  • Self-discovery

    What Do Your Shoes Say About You?

    I have heard a lot of people say that the first thing they notice when they meet a person is their shoes. This is why it’s important to take proper care before making a choice. The shoe brand you patronise, the style you opt for, as well as its price all goes a long way in telling who you are, how you think and a little bit about your personality.   Let’s take a look at some interesting stuff that different shoes say about you.   Peep Toe Sandals.  People who have a preference for heels whether they are Peep Toe Sandals or High heels give off  coperate vibes. If…

  • Self-discovery

    Creating a Will is The Best Real Estate Action You Can Take! 

    You worked hard your entire life. And you saved enough money so that your family does not face any adversities. Isn’t it? Precisely why experts suggest creating a will to make a legal binding to spare your loved ones from the ordeal with state probate courts.    But unfortunately, many of you presume that creating a will or a testament is a complicated or lengthy process. Well! That’s an overstatement. However, if you don’t, the following thing might happen!   The state will decide who gets what!   Be honest. Do you want the state to disperse your assets or want it as per your final wishes? It is quite…

  • Self-discovery

    How to Best Celebrate Someone’s Life

    When someone you know and love passes on, it will come with a lot of grief and other complicated feelings. However, through this, you should make sure that you are always celebrating their life in the best possible way. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that you can do so.     Plan a Beautiful Funeral A funeral does not always have to be a sombre occasion. Though there will be sadness here, it is also a chance to really celebrate the richness of someone’s life. A funeral gives you the opportunity to gather together everyone that they loved to celebrate their accomplishments in life.  Finding the…

  • Self-discovery

    3 Things Extroverts Can Learn From Introverts

    Understanding different social personality types isn’t easy. This is because everyone views the world through their self-created filters, assuming that things should be done in a certain way. Extroverts and introverts fall under two contrasting ends of a spectrum. Introverts are known to have good listening skills; unlike extroverts who can say anything. An introvert prefers to observe first and only speaks when they have something meaningful to add to the topic. As such, introverted people have unique qualities that extroverts can learn from as discussed hereunder.     Independence is Key There is a huge misconception that extroverts dominate the world since they are more confident and assertive. While…

  • 3 Crucial Lessons people learn too late in life!

    3 Crucial Lessons people learn too late in life.

    If you had one wish, what would it be and why?   If i had such rare opportunity to make a wish, guess what i would wish for?   I won’t wish for more clothes or more clients. Even though I would like that very much!   I’d wish for the opportunity to learn all the important life lessons sooner than later!   And the ability to apply these lessons as and when needed.    All my life I have been learning from the school of hard knocks and I can tell you in plain terms, it is not a pleasant place to be!! sadly, that’s where most of us…

  • Self-development,  Self-discovery

    My growth plan for November!

    October was quite an exhausting month for me! From where I stood, It seemed as if all the calamities of the past months had finally snowballed into one big mass of trouble ready to explode in my face. The chaos was palpable! I counted my losses, but thank God my life was spared.   It’s November and I’m hopeful! I love new beginnings because they bring hope and new opportunities. I’m poised to live intentionally this month. I won’t allow any negative energy into my space, and I’m going to be more intentional about my network. I’m more determined to grow into the best version of myself. I want you…